Music Therapy Orchestra
A music therapy orchestra is a technique that allows participants to connect with a group and enjoy the passage of time together.
The technique is created for individuals who have no musical training, but are interested in experiencing the pleasant moments of joint creation and harmony that musicians experience during their private sessions, when they just play for themselves and together.
Playing standard musical instruments requires a lot of training and practice, which is why many people believe that music is not for them. A music therapy orchestra will allow participants to engage in collaborative music-making through natural-tuned percussion and instruments that are, simply put, tuned so that whatever is played on them sounds good.
A music therapy orchestra is actually a set of instruments that is put together by a “conductor” (usually percussion) and the individual players choose the instruments they like from the menu. The conductor then gradually “turns on” the individual instruments.
This technique has the greatest effect in nature, preferably in the forest, when the sounds of individual instruments are complemented by the rustle of branches in the wind or a gurgling stream, but also by the singing of birds or the sound of a burning fire.
The individual players in the orchestra then experience a state of calm and meditation through their active involvement in the body.