Music Therapy Relaxation

The basic technique of holistic music therapy is music therapy relaxation, during which the participants lie down and let themselves be affected by vibrations, music and sounds created by the music therapist himself by singing and playing instruments, such as Tibetan bowls, shamanic drum, mumble, jew harp, mouth harp, whistle. They have the unique ability to emit tones that can harmonize all body systems. It gradually calms down and a relaxed state occurs. At the same time, the entire body of the participants relaxes and tension and pain leave it. Relaxation, meditation and states of unity represent the prevention of burnout, general fatigue, depressive states and states of organism failure.

Saturday 17. June 2023


Prague Central Camp, Prague

Veronika studied Holistic Music Therapy at the FF UPOL (Faculty of Philosophy of Palacký University in Olomouc) 2014 – 2018. She is a member of the EACM (European Association of Holistic Music Therapy).

Since 2010, she has been a certified therapist of the EFT method – emotional psychology (EFT – Emotional Freedom Therapy) – accredited by the Ministry of Education and Culture. He also uses other therapeutic methods and the Metamorphic Technique.

He has been practicing therapy since 2012.

He regularly organizes music therapy relaxations (group and individual), lectures and workshops for adults and children. He especially works with children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) or other problems (e.g. ADHD, developmental dysphasia, autism).

Don’t hesitate and buy your ticket soon 

The amount of attendees is limited

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