The basic technique of holistic music therapy is music therapy relaxation, during which the participants lie down and let themselves be affected by vibrations, music and sounds created by the music therapist himself by singing and playing instruments, such as didgeridoo, Tibetan bowls, shamanic drum, mumble, jew harp, mouth harp, whistle. They have the unique ability to emit tones that can harmonize all body systems. It gradually calms down and a relaxed state occurs. At the same time, the entire body of the participants relaxes and tension and pain leave it.
Relaxation, meditation and states of unity represent the prevention of burnout, general fatigue, depressive states and states of organism failure.
Kateřina Englberthová (Paclíková) is a graduate of accordion playing at VŠMU in Bratislava.Also due to the need to regenerate her own strength, immediately after completing her studies in 2009, she began studying Holistic Music Therapy under the guidance of L. Holzer at UPOL in Olomouc, where she completed all three study cycles in 2017.He practices the Holistic Music Therapy method for the public and in the social sphere, at the same time he deals with the pedagogy of music education at the ZUŠ and ZŠ and occasional concert activities.Intuitive playing on music therapy, ancient, naturally tuned musical instruments and aliquot singing is one of the most important music therapy factors for her.He also explores the topic of the pitch of the chamber “a” tuning, and the temperature in interaction with natural-sounding singing, the possibilities of interpretation, improvisation and composition