Project Intent


This project will support Czech and foreign artists in holistic Music Therapy, and it will bring together
professionals and amateurs working in joint music events. Holistic music therapy is an art production
used to treat mental disorders, neuroses or improve the condition of mentally disabled individuals.
The music therapy art also shows a demonstrable effect on preventing mental health problems in a
healthy population. Music therapy work with folk musical instruments in natural tunning (just
intonation), and these instruments are usually known for a very long historical period in the local
area. Some of these instruments are rattles made from the fabric, which is easily found in the area.
They use many types of drums used in tribal history anywhere in the world. There are also many
breath instruments, like different kinds of pipes and hollow branches as didgeridoos. Metal
instruments like Tibetan bowls or hang drums are also a part of the music therapy performance.
Sometimes they use also string instruments like marimba, kalimba, balafon and many others. Music
therapy sessions can be passive, more like a gig, or active, like a workshop that requires work with
the audience. Passive music therapy relaxation is arranged as a concert, except that the audience
often lies and relaxes during the performance. Active music therapy production includes audience
activity. Participants play drums, rattles or other percussion instruments or join in singing led by a
therapist. This group production will enable the audience to experience a sense of belonging and
harmony with the group, which is just one of the healing components of music therapy.


Recently, a few artists work exclusively as music therapists. Most artists work in social care institutions or institutions looking after people with mental disabilities as educators or nurses whose

job includes music therapy activities. Other artists work as music teachers who have music therapy
in their lessons or teachers in kindergartens. These musicians search for more publicity and
opportunities to perform and become more visible to the public audience. The artists are also 
looking for new strategies for working with the audience, and this project will support them in these
goals. Although the holistic music therapy method is demonstrably effective and its results are
described and documented, the current work in the field in the Czech Republic does not have
sufficient international publicity. The current project helps develop artistic skills, communication
strategies with the audience and building the capacity of actors and the association. This project
also helps mentally disordered people to connect with the majority through their music activities.



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